Causes of the appearance of worms, signs and methods of treatment

Worms are parasitic worms that live in the human body. It is known that there are about three hundred species of helminths in the world. Worms are parasitic in internal organs, affecting them and causing various diseases.


dogs in the house as worm hawkers

Parasite eggs enter the human body in several ways.

  1. Touch is one of the most common ways to get into the human body. Infectious helminthiases are spread when personal hygiene rules are not followed (hands are not washed).
  2. Geohelminthiasis. Larvae enter soil or water with the feces of sick animals, or by insect transfer. Flies are the main carriers of infection. Also, the source of aggression is direct contact with a sick animal, through feces, saliva or fur.
  3. Biohelminthiasis. Infection occurs through the food route through food. Worm eggs enter the body through vegetables, fruits, unwashed eggs. Eating insufficient heat -processed meat, fish, seafood also leads to aggression.
  4. delivery route. Some parasites enter the body through insect bites.

Signs of the appearance of worms

itching in the anus with worms

You can identify the presence of the disease in a person using the following symptoms:

  • itching in the anus;
  • bloating, bloating;
  • seat violations;
  • allergic rash on the body;
  • weight change;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

If these signs appear, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will issue a referral for testing, diagnosing the disease.

Worm treatment

the doctor prescribes treatment for the worms

It is not possible to detect the presence of disease immediately. The latent period can last for years. After diagnosing, anthelmintic medication is prescribed by a specialist who conducts a series of tests, identifying the type of parasite and the stage of the disease. For each type of parasite, a specific course of treatment will be prescribed. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated. In the acute form of the disease, the doctor prescribes infusions, injections.

Anthelmintic treatment is not always effective, so the course of therapy is repeated after a few weeks. During treatment, some of the helminthic worms die and come out through feces.

Worm treatment has an integrated approach, including immunotherapy and the use of antibacterial drugs. All family members should undergo a course of prevention against helminthiasis.