A quick way to get rid of parasites in the body

worm parasites of the human body

Parasites still pose a serious threat. That is why you need to know the possible ways to deal with it, as well as a list of medications that will be helpful in this process.

The human body is a whole world that is attacked by its environment and the microorganisms that inhabit it. Not everything is useful or neutral in relation to someone. About 95% of people sooner or later encounter aggressive parasites (fungi, worms). This organism can cause significant harm when it gets into a person, so it is very important to get rid of it as soon as possible. Helminths live and reproduce using a person’s internal resources, and sometimes only a few signs can indicate its presence in the body. But the worst thing is that they can cause the death of their carrier. Not surprisingly, the question of how to get rid of parasites in the body has not lost its relevance.

Specificity of drug therapy

It is possible to get rid of parasites with drugs or through folk methods. However, traditional medicine strongly recommends using the latter only as a means of preventing the appearance of pests or equivalent to drug therapy. Otherwise, you may feel the severity of the disease or its serious complications.

Medication is still a more productive way to fight parasites, but it is quite toxic, so it can only be taken as directed by a doctor.

Even treatment with drugs for parasites is not an easy task and it is impossible to save a person from an unpleasant neighborhood quickly. In fact, all anthelmintic pills are characterized by complex actions, mechanisms that are not fully understood.

In addition, in recent years, the problem of parasite resistance to them has become quite serious. And because the population of third world countries is particularly concerned with such problems, the percentage of medical innovation in this area, unfortunately, is small. However, it is an innovative drug that can be considered the most effective.

It is important to consider that you should not use antiparasitic drugs for viral and somatic diseases, as well as for intestinal infections. Such treatment is also prohibited during childbirth and lactation. Pests that have occupied the human body are divided into 3 subgroups:

  • nematode;
  • trematode;
  • cestodes.

Based on which group the pest belongs to, drug therapy is prescribed. This is partly why it is difficult to get rid of it yourself without injuring yourself.

Preparing the body for therapy

parasite control vegetables

An important period in treatment is the previous examination journey. The multi -study route is the basis for selecting an effective method of drug therapy. However, it is important to coordinate the patient’s diet in the right direction. Before carrying out parasite cleansing procedures, it is better to switch to a healthy and balanced diet.

A vegetarian diet is considered ideal. However, in addition to animal products, it is better to forget about heavy, fatty, sugary and refined foods. For two weeks, it is recommended to adhere to a light and economical unloading diet. The body will thank you a lot if the diet is enriched with fruits, raw vegetables and freshly squeezed juices.

Also, special attention should be given to your own drinking regimen. It is important to take only purified water. The average amount of water you drink should be at least 2 liters a day.

It is recommended to forget about soda, thus pre-cleansing the intestines, kidneys, liver. If a person infected with helminths, in addition, suffers from constipation, then it is better to start practicing enemas, for better therapeutic results. In this case, decoctions of tansy, wormwood and other herbs are usually used.

Choice of anthelmintic agents

Antihelminthic drugs with a certain level of conventional can be divided into 3 types:

  • synthesized chemicals;
  • materials with plant bases;
  • homeopathic supplies.
pill parasite

Naturally, each group will have both positive and negative sides. However, they all have the same characteristics. They all aim to create conditions for parasites that are completely unsuitable for their life and reproduction. However, the course of therapy is usually long and can last up to 1-2 months, or a stretch for a year.

The chemical guarantees a high rate of effectiveness and shows an effect after 1-2 months. However, such drugs are endowed with high levels of toxicity, therefore they poison both parasites and the body. In addition, as a rule, the action of such drugs is effective only for 1-2 types of helminths.

An herbal preparation is an herbal extract or preparation thereof. Such "drugs" accumulate plant toxins in the body, which are unacceptable to pests, and they are forced to leave the human body, because they can not adapt to it. In addition, such components enhance the body's natural protective function and are safe for it. However, the duration of treatment in such a way is quite long and can take up to a year.

Homeopathic remedies - such treatments are also long -term and involve a course of 3 months to a year. The effectiveness of such treatment is proportional to the qualifications of the homeopath, his ability to choose the appropriate remedy for the patient. Otherwise, the effect of the treatment will be zero.

Preparations for helminths, as already mentioned, are prescribed by the doctor only after appropriate tests have been carried out. In addition, when prescribing medication, a person's personal characteristics must be taken into account:

  • its weight;
  • age;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • intolerance to prescribed drug components and other pathologies.

Further, surveillance of individuals sensitive to the course of treatment was carried out.

Preparations for nematodes

These subgroups of parasites include cream worms, ringworms, whip worms, trichinella and toxocara. However, the most common cases of infection are the first two categories of pests.

To overcome this, a variety of effective drugs, specialists will choose the appropriate one.

External intestinal pests in the body suggest a slightly different treatment. Ivermectin -based medications will help to quickly get rid of it. But it is very important to follow the instructions for medication and carry out a second course of treatment. The fact is that these drugs act only on sexually mature individuals, but are ineffective in combating their larvae and eggs.

In addition, after the drug has been taken (preferably in the evening), it is recommended to make a cleansing enema and take laxatives. Such measures will significantly reduce the level of toxins in the body.

Remedies for cestodes

Although a large number of parasites are associated with cestodes, however, bovine tapeworm and tapeworm infections are most commonly found. This is a rather difficult case, but it is still possible to get rid of such parasites by carefully considering therapy first. Productive in the treatment of cestodes are special drugs prescribed by specialists.

Preparations against trematodes and flukes

This large group of parasites includes lungs, Chinese, cats, and liver worms. This type of parasite is very dangerous in its effects on the human body and delayed therapy can cause serious consequences.

The range of drugs is quite wide, but you should not try. Consult a doctor if you suspect the presence of helminths or if you feel worse.